Jim Kauffman
Why are you attending HealthCampBoston?
As we try to transform health care, I want to make sure that those on the front lines, those who pick up the pieces on the street, those who still make house calls and who manage large scale multiple casualty incidents, are plugged into the vision and the process.
If you were to lead a session what would it be about?
Lurking just below our dreams for transforming healthcare is the reality that when things really start to go wrong and someone dials (or some day twitters) 911, patients and their advocates enter a system totally removed from the vision of next-generation, technology-rich central planners.
With a single 911 call, even the most sophisticated system of private healthcare and managed care provider preferences begins to unravel — as the fire department and EMS providers assume statutory command and control of the patient.
As we focus on the software and network elements for integrating social and health care systems, we have to address one of the biggest silos of them all: the public safety and homeland security forces who are “the authority having jurisdiction” outside the hospital and doctor’s offices.
If these folks aren’t cranked into the vision, all of our expensive, technology-rich systems disintegrate into irrelevancy when you’re lying on your back staring up at the guys in rubber boots asking you for your medical history.
Share a random fact about yourself:
I’m a futurist and a technology evangelist locked inside a fire helmet. I like to cook.
Who do you want to meet at HealthCamp?
Those who want to focus on building intelligent gateways to emergency care.