Hello Boston!

It has been a while, but HealthCamp is heading back to Boston. Once again we will be at the Microsoft NERD in Cambridge, MA. This was the venue for the inaugural HealthCampBoston in 2009 and we are excited to be returning to this fabulous facility.

Our date is set. HealthCampBoston is on Friday September 14th, 2012. This is the day before the Medicine 2.0 Conference. So come a day early and really turbocharge your Conference experience by joining other passionate Health Care people at Health Care’s leading un-conference – HealthCamp.

We will be opening up 4×4 presentation opportunities to Sponsors. Present 4 slides in 4 minutes to showcase the exciting innovations you are pushing in Health Care.

Check out the HealthCamp Foundation home page for other HealthCamp information.

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Final HealthCampBoston 2009 Schedule

 8:30 AM
Common Area Registration open until 1 PM.  
 9:00 AM
Room A Plenary / Welcome HealthCampBoston + SocialPharmer Organizers
 9:15 AM
Room A HealthCampBoston Intro & Session Planning HealthCampBoston Organizers & Participants

Achieving Openness: Transparency and Authenticity in Pharma.

Fard Johnmar (@fardj), following a brief welcome by Shwen Gwee (@shwen)
 10:15 AM
Room A Personal Health Records (PHRs) as the Center of Innovation Mark Scrimshire (@ekivemark)

Developing a Framework for Blogging and Social Media in Pharma.

Michael Parks (@pitch360)
Room D User Experience of EMRs & Other Medical Devices; Home Healthcare. Sandhya Pillalamarri (@sspillalamarri)
 11:00 AM
Room A It’s Not the Electronic Record! What are the Real Health Improvement Technologies? Clifford Goldsmith (@clifgold)
Room B Bad Data in the System: Solutions to the Mess? Triage. ?

Exploring The Realities Of FDA Regulation And Creative Opportunities In The Here and Now.

John Murray (@JMurray21CFR)
 12:00 PM
Common Area Lunch  
 1:00 PM
Room A New Approaches to Health IT: Read “Open Source.” Claudio Luís Vera, @modulist
Room B HIPPA / Son of HIPPA + Social Media “undecipherable.” Let’s Write a Comment Letter to The Feds. David Harlow (@healthblawg)

Key Business Needs That Can Be Addressed NOW with Social Media.

Steve Woodruff (@swoodruff)
Room D Physicians and Healthcare Providers in Health 2.0/Participatory Medicine…Where Do They Fit In? Do They Fit In? Bryan Vartabedian (@Doctor_V)
 2:00 PM
Room A Case Study: Social Media in HealthCare. Jen McCabe Gorman (@jensmccabe)/ OrganizedWisdom (@PolarWisdom)
Room B Advocating for Patients in the Acute Care Setting. Ken Fasman (@kfasman)

How To Do Social Applications At A Pharma Company Without Getting Fired.

Josh Bernoff (@jbernoff)
Room D How to Improve Drug Safety Reporting Through Online Communities, EHRs, PHRs, and Other Ideas. Jennifer Wulff
 3:00 PM
Room A NIH’s Pillfinder Application. David Hale (@lostonroute66) with brainstorming by Mike Kirkwood (@mikekirkwood)
Room B Consumer Engagement: What will it take? Also, Clinicians and TRUST/LIABILITY Re: PHRs John Moore (@John_Chilmark) and William Crawford (@WilliamCrawford)

The Patient Perspective: What Do Patients Want from Pharma Engagement?

Jack Barrette (@healthyjack) & Julie Wittes Schlack (@jwschlack)
Room D 911! Technology Gateways to EMS and Public Health Jim Kauffman (@punchinello)
Room E Mobile Devices in Consumer Health Care Tim Dion (@timdion)
 4:00 PM
Room A HealthCampBoston Roundup HealthCamp organizers and participants

Townhall Session: How Can We Collaborate to Break Down Barriers to Social Media and Save Pharma’s Battered Rep?

Jack Barrette, Fard Johnmar
 5:00 PM
Tweetup Cambridge Brewing Company One Kendall Square # 100, Cambridge, MA 02139
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HealthCampBoston and SocialPharmer go Live!

We are using CoverItLive as one of the methods of helping you track the event.

We are encouraging all participants to Blog, Tweet and upload photos and videos using the #HCBos and #SocPharm hashtags.

Click Here for the CoverItLive feed or follow the CoverItLive Feed on Mark Scrimshire’s EKIVE blog: http://ekive.blogspot.com/

The CoverItLive RSS Feed is here

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Directions to the Event

HealthCampBoston+SocialPharmer will take place on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at Microsoft Research New England at One Memorial Drive in Cambridge, MA. Detailed directions to the facility are at http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/labs/newengland/visit.aspx .

If you are driving to HealthCampBoston+SocialPharmer, parking is available in the facility’s basement parking garage. If the garage is filled when you arrive, we recommend parking at any of several other parking garages within a few blocks of the facility (listed here in increasing distance from the venue):

  • 1 Broadway
  • 4 Cambridge Center (Entrance on Ames St. or Broadway)
  • 5 Cambridge Center East Garage (Ames St./Broadway)
  • 7 Cambridge Center West Garage (Ames St./Galileo Way),
  • 10 Cambridge Center North Garage (Binney St. off Broadway)

The HealthCampBoston+SocialPharmer organizers have prepared a four page PDF file that provides more details about parking facilities, driving directions, photos of the facilities, and a venue floor plan.

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Who’s Coming to HealthCampBoston? Sandhya Pillalamarri


Sandhya Pillalamarri

Sandhya Pillalamarri

Do you use Twitter?

Yes, follow me @sspillalamarri.

Do you have a website?


Why are you attending HealthCamp?

I am attending HealthCampBoston to meet and network with thought leaders in the healthcare, medical devices, healthcare product and user interface design, home healthcare, and healthcare IT areas.

I am interested to learn about new and potential technologies to make providing and administering healthcare enjoyable and easily accessible.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

Healthcare User Experience Strategies. To understand the people who work for and in the Healthcare field.

Share a random fact about yourself

I love to sing classical music and learn about global cuisines!

Who would you like to meet at HealthCamp?

Healthcare Strategists and Designers

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Who’s Coming? Jim Kauffman – Futurist in a Fire Helmet

Jim Kauffman

Jim Kauffman

Why are you attending HealthCampBoston?

As we try to transform health care, I want to make sure that those on the front lines, those who pick up the pieces on the street, those who still make house calls and who manage large scale multiple casualty incidents, are plugged into the vision and the process.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

Lurking just below our dreams for transforming healthcare is the reality that when things really start to go wrong and someone dials (or some day twitters) 911, patients and their advocates enter a system totally removed from the vision of next-generation, technology-rich central planners.  

With a single 911 call, even the most sophisticated system of private healthcare and managed care provider preferences begins to unravel — as the fire department and EMS providers assume statutory command and control of the patient.

As we focus on the software and network elements for integrating social and health care systems, we have to address one of the biggest silos of them all: the public safety and homeland security forces who are “the authority having jurisdiction” outside the hospital and doctor’s offices.

If these folks aren’t cranked into the vision, all of our expensive, technology-rich systems disintegrate into irrelevancy when you’re lying on your back staring up at the guys in rubber boots asking you for your medical history.

Share a random fact about yourself:

I’m a futurist and a technology evangelist locked inside a fire helmet. I like to cook.

Who do you want to meet at HealthCamp?

Those who want to focus on building intelligent gateways to emergency care.

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Who’s Coming? Julie Yoo

Do you Blog?


Do you use Twitter?

Yes, Follow me at @djjules

Why are you attending HealthCampBoston?

I am am involved in various consumer health and personalized medicine initiatives; would like to network with others in the field to learn about new opportunities. You can find me at http://www.djjules.com.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

personal genomics.

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Who’s Coming? David Harlow – HealthBlawger


David Harlow - @HealthBLawg

David Harlow - @HealthBLawg

Do you Blog?

Yes, http://healthblawg.typepad.com

Do you use Twitter?

Yes, Follow me at @healthblawg

Why are you attending HealthCampBoston?

I am a health care lawyer, consultant and blogger interested in exploring current and future points of contact between health care providers, health care consumers, health care information and health care communication, and ways in which these connections can improve both processes and outcomes. You can find me at http://www.harlowgroup.net.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

The promise of interoperable patient-centered and provider-centered health records, and social media, and the potential collision with “new and improved” HIPAA and related privacy rules in the HITECH Act.

Share a random fact about yourself?

I enjoy long-distance bicycling, ride weekly in good weather, and ride at least a few centuries (100-mile rides) each summer including fundraisers (see my blog for links if you’d like to help me out in support of cancer research and treatment or environmental causes).

Who would you like to meet at HealthCampBoston?

People trying to look around the corner.

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Who’s Coming? Chuck Rehberg – passionate about improving outcomes






Do you Blog?

Follow Chuck’s blog at

Do you use Twitter?

Follow Chuck on Twitter at @ChuckRehberg

Why are you attending the event?

I want to apply my skills, experience, and resources to improving health care outcomes. This is my first event of this type.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

Collected assessments of treatment outcome as a means of determining efficacy of treatments, diagnostics, and providers”

The SF-36 is one means of assessing outcomes normalized for gender, age, and ethnicity. Collected correlations of outcomes could provide insights into which treatments; diagnostics, protocols, and providers statistically have better patient outcomes as normalized to severity of disease.

Since Health Insurance Companies have a profit incentive to insure healthier patients, why aren’t they interested in measuring patient outcomes correlated with treatments?

Share a random fact about yourself?

I’m section hiking the Appalachian Trail – At my current rate, I have about 20 more years to go.

Who would you like to meet at HealthCampBoston?

People passionate about improving in our healthcare system.

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Who’s Coming? Mark Scrimshire – Chief Instigator behind the HealthCamp movement

@ekivemark HealthCamp Instigator

@ekivemark HealthCamp Instigator

Mark re-ignited the HealthCamp movement last year. HealthCamps are now popping up all over the world. Check out http://barcamp.org/HealthCamp for other events.

Do you Blog?

Check out Mark’s blog at http://ekive.blogspot.com

Do you Twitter?

Yes, you can follow me at @ekivemark

Why are you attending the event?

I want to further the discussion around the transformation of a broken health care model using Social Media, Open Standards and the best of Web and Mobile technology. I see the HealthCamp movement as a call to action to make change happen in Health Care.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

Personal Health Records afford an opportunity to place the consumer at the center of Health Care and spark essential innovation across the industry. Let’s make it happen!

Who would you like to meet at HealthCampBoston?

I am keen to meet everyone that is passionate about making change happen in HealthCare.

At the recent Web 2.0 Expo I was lucky enough to spend time with JayParkinson and hear about the innovations coming from HelloHealth. I would love to see Jay share his passion for better health care with everyone at HealthCampBoston.

Share a Random fact about yourself

This year I became a ski instructor.

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