Who’s Coming? Mark Scrimshire – Chief Instigator behind the HealthCamp movement

@ekivemark HealthCamp Instigator

@ekivemark HealthCamp Instigator

Mark re-ignited the HealthCamp movement last year. HealthCamps are now popping up all over the world. Check out http://barcamp.org/HealthCamp for other events.

Do you Blog?

Check out Mark’s blog at http://ekive.blogspot.com

Do you Twitter?

Yes, you can follow me at @ekivemark

Why are you attending the event?

I want to further the discussion around the transformation of a broken health care model using Social Media, Open Standards and the best of Web and Mobile technology. I see the HealthCamp movement as a call to action to make change happen in Health Care.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

Personal Health Records afford an opportunity to place the consumer at the center of Health Care and spark essential innovation across the industry. Let’s make it happen!

Who would you like to meet at HealthCampBoston?

I am keen to meet everyone that is passionate about making change happen in HealthCare.

At the recent Web 2.0 Expo I was lucky enough to spend time with JayParkinson and hear about the innovations coming from HelloHealth. I would love to see Jay share his passion for better health care with everyone at HealthCampBoston.

Share a Random fact about yourself

This year I became a ski instructor.

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About ekivemark

Health Technology Consultant, Social Media Coach, Blogger and Co-Founder HealthCa.mp Foundation
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