

Innovating the Care Culture: Today, Tomorrow and into the Future


Welcome to HealthCampRDU: Cultivating the Care Culture!

HealthCampRDU will once again be a highly-collaborative, day-long conference with a focus on issues and opportunities related to the changing face of healthcare. The event takes place on Wednesday May 23rd, 2012*.

Health industry experts, thought leaders, practitioners, technologists and consumers will converge to openly exchange views and ideas in a think-tank atmosphere on a variety of topics including, mobile health, telemedicine and social health at the Marbles Kid Museum, 201 E Hargett St, Raleigh, NC 27601

We will have a Keynote speaker to kick off the day with a short  “firestarter talk” s and then plan to have sponsors provide 4×4 presentations. These 4x4s are 4 slides in 4 minutes that address an important healthcare issue. The 4x4s will be grouped around themes and will be accompanied by discussion sessions to explore issues and challenges.

After the 4×4 sessions we will enter in to an agenda setting session where the participants set the agenda fro the rest of the day. After all HealthCamp is about the participants setting an agenda that reflects their interests and passions.

Follow us on Twitter (@HealthCampRDU) as we announce the additional keynote speakers and provide other important updates.

In the true spirit of collaboration, HealthCampRDU invites you to lead conference sessions on any aspect of healthcare that’s relevant to the community. In addition to the keynote, we’ll host a series of breakout sessions. In the weeks leading up to the event, we encourage you to submit your own topic proposals, below.

HealthCamp is focused on the discussion and not presentations. We want to create an environment that fosters collaboration and innovation.

The cost is $35 per person this includes providing breakfast and lunch during HealthCamp.

Click here to get you tickets today.

*UPDATE: Date changed from Friday April 13th, 2012 to Wednesday MAy 23rd, 2012. Location is unchanged.




9 Comments to “About”

  1. Katherine maclennn says:

    Nightingale w me presenting.

    Health Caring – w steven and I

    More specific titles on their way!!! When are exact presentation descriptions due?

  2. youngmd8 says:

    Hi Judy

    Thanks for allowing me to participate in the upcoming program. I am looking forward to sharing our experiences in telemedicine at UNC

    Michael Young
    Director of Telemedicine
    Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
    University of North Carolina
    Chapel Hill, NC

  3. @youngmd8 – we are looking forward to you joining everyone at @HealthCampRDU 2012. Really inspired by your forthcoming 4×4 topic!

  4. Super excited, @stevenkeith !

    4×4 title: The More We Can See, The More We Can Improve

    Examining the Health of the Entire Health Care System

  5. Great things ahead, @Katherine!

    4×4 title: Nightingale, a HealthCarING Liaison Service

    Katherine Noyes Maclennan BNS, RN

  6. Katherine MacLennan says:

    I’m not convinced 1 day is enough time to take in all the brilliance headed our way!!!

  7. Couldn’t agree with you more, Katherine. Gr8 things are ahead for the community of health caring leaders!

  8. 4 x 4 slides: Title: “There’s never been a more important time to incorporate prevention-focused employee wellness than now”.

    With rising costs, the medical community is now, more than ever before, moving their focus towards prevention of chronic disease vs. only the treatment of disease. Employers who understand and embrace this know that in order to totally get their employees on a track to better health, they must encourage them to get a comprehensive, prevention-focused physical exam and to establish a relationship with a primary care provider.


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