Who’s Coming? BigBad Stefan Evers


Stefan Evers of BigBad

Stefan Evers of BigBad

Stefan is a blog watcher and can be found on Twitter as @BigBadStefan. He works at BigBad where they design and build some of the worlds best known healthcare web sites.

Why are you attending HealthCamp?

I  want to meet my peers and learn as much as possible about what is cutting edge with social media, web properities and healthcare.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

BigBad designs and builds some of the worlds best known healthcare web sites. I would lead a session on the ROI of social media for healthcare web properities

Tell us a little known fact about yourself?

I have the Indiana Jones theme as the ring tone on my cellphone. My kids love it.

Who would you like to meet at a HealthCamp?

Stefan would love to meet John Halamka at HealthCampBoston.

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About ekivemark

Health Technology Consultant, Social Media Coach, Blogger and Co-Founder HealthCa.mp Foundation
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