Who’s Coming? BigBad Stefan Evers


Stefan Evers of BigBad

Stefan Evers of BigBad

Stefan is a blog watcher and can be found on Twitter as @BigBadStefan. He works at BigBad where they design and build some of the worlds best known healthcare web sites.

Why are you attending HealthCamp?

I  want to meet my peers and learn as much as possible about what is cutting edge with social media, web properities and healthcare.

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

BigBad designs and builds some of the worlds best known healthcare web sites. I would lead a session on the ROI of social media for healthcare web properities

Tell us a little known fact about yourself?

I have the Indiana Jones theme as the ring tone on my cellphone. My kids love it.

Who would you like to meet at a HealthCamp?

Stefan would love to meet John Halamka at HealthCampBoston.

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Who’s Coming: Timothy J Dion

Tim Dion of Sensei

Tim Dion of Sensei

Tim is involved in mobile Health Technology. He blogs at www.SenseiTalks.com. You can follow him on Twitter at @timdion

If you were to lead a session what would it be about?

Mobile Technology and Healthcare- Leveraging Mobile Capabilities to change peoples lives and affect the bottom line.


A little known fact about Tim

Tim is a Senior tech exec from Boston living in Florida.

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Who’s Coming: Jen McCabeGorman – Firestarter, Connector and Health Advocate

jens_picWho are you and what do you do?
I’m Jen McCabe Gorman, Chief Patient Advocate for OrganizedWisdom Health, firestarter (don’t ask, bring an extinguisher) at NextHealth (NL), ferocious advocate for bivalve platforms that integrate/translate data for cooperative use by patients and providers..

Why are you attending HealthCamp Boston?
Excellent group lined up for HealthCampBoston (with running updates on Twitter). HealthCamps always seem to be the functional equivalent of liberal arts salons…lots of opinions, toss in some data, stir, and you’ve got a lot of productive sharing going on that usually drives change. Providing some new resource for an individual that they then repopulate within their organizational honeycomb does my heart good.

If you were to lead a session, what would it be about?
Social Media is a channel, people! Not an industry, not a movement. A communications channel. And a great one for connecting patients and providers alike. Let’s take a look at how to channel health content using a condition-specific Twitter case study – the development of @polarwisdom

Tell us one random fact about yourself.
Love cigars, fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, and working on a theory of genetics+anthropology (genoanth) in my ‘spare’ time. Oh wait, that’s three. One random fact = usually guilty of overkill :).

Where can we find you?
Carpetbagging on Twitter, various health/tech conferences

Are YOU coming to HealthCamp Boston? Let other campers know so they can find you.

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Welcome to HealthCampBoston

HealthCampBoston has teamed up with Social-Pharmer to present a one-day un-conference exploring trends in the transformation of health care. Anticipated discussions include:

  • Why we need participatory medicine
  • How Social Networks help (or hurt) patients, providers, insurers
  • Why Open Standards remain so closed
  • mobile Health trends

Spanning 8-hours, this collaborative meeting connects a broad group of individuals interested in transforming healthcare for the 21st century.

We expect debate. We expect sharing. In short, we expect RAT (Real, Authentic, and Transparent) discussions that contribute to the transformation of health care across stakeholder lines.

Join us. Help us create a more inclusive, participatory health care structure for all.

The event takes place at the Microsoft New England Research and Development Center in Cambridge, MA. The organizers wish to thank Microsoft for their generous sponsorship of this event.


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